The Romans knew a thing or two about bathing, they are believed to have created the first public baths. For them it was a social space to gather with a range of rooms offering hot and cold temperatures all aimed at stimulating circulation.
Hammam also known as a Turkish Bath can trace its history as far back as the Roman Empire. Still very much part of Turkish culture, public hammam is best described as a spa that provides a place to both cleanse the body and relax. At Yenice Vadi we wish to give a truly authentic but private hammam experience to our guests.

What are the benefits of Hammam?
We know that any improvement in circulation is beneficial, helping to repair muscles and cells, decrease swelling, increase the healing process and reduce any pain helping retain optimal health. Hamman uses hot steam rather than thermal waters to help rejuvenate and cleanse the skin, helping to remove impurities from the body.
The benefits are undeniable both for your mind and body, the Hammam provides a place of relaxation in a warm environment. It’s a space to heal, releasing the toxins from your body in preparation for a deep exfoliation. Helping your body in so many ways from breathing by clearing your sinuses to aches and pains by releasing any muscle tension. The healing properties are endless letting you relax and leave the experience feeling renewed.
Here are just a few of the benefits from this ancient traditional experience:
- Increases circulation within the body, boosting your immune system by opening up pores and releasing toxins
- Restores aching muscles and tension with hot steam leaving you rejuvenated
- Awakens your senses by stimulating and increase blood flow through the scrubbing and exfoliation massage
- Leaves you breathing easier by clearing sinuses and air ways
- Supports healing and leaves your skin feeling soft and healthy
- Helps to relax your mind leaving you feeling pampered in a warm cosy environment

A truly pampering experience
All you need to bring along is yourself ready to be truly pampered. We recommend our guests arrive a little earlier to use the sauna allowing their pores to be opened and relax their muscles. Towels will be provided.
Our Hammam follows the beautiful traditional design of using marble and natural materials with multiple chambers. An outer chamber for warmth, an inner hot chamber and an outer cooler chamber to relax in.
Relax and Enjoy

What can you expect from your Hammam experience?
Enter our Hammam where you will be welcomed and shown to a place to change. To get the most out of your experience, it is important to feel comfortable and relaxed. Bring yourself, some shampoo and conditioner for afterwards and your swimming costume/bikini/shorts. Traditionally you would bring nothing but a hammam towel (peshtemal) but I personally feel more comfortable in my swimsuit.
You will be shown to the sauna where you will spend around 15 – 20 minutes building up a sweat and cleansing your pores. This is followed by a short 5 minute visit to the steam room to really prepare your skin for the next step.
Acclimatise to the heat
Following your sauna and steam, you will be led into to the inner hot chamber.

Full Body Scrub and Soak
Lying face down on the marble platform within the warmth of the Hammam room ready for our Tellak (masseuse) to give you a full body scrub. Using a kese mitt you will be scrubbed by our Tellak, it is completely normal for this be quite vigorous. This will then be followed by a relaxing light foam massage. The foam is created using a muslin or cloth “pillowcase” and beautiful olive oil soap – it is fascinating watching the bubbles build up as the pillow case is filled with air and the bubbles squeezed gently allover you.
It is a lovely experience to share with friends, relaxing in the warmth, chatting and watching them enjoy the experience.

Rinse and Massage
Once you have had your full body scrub and soak you will rinsed off left feeling fresh and renewed. You can also choose to follow the Hammam with an oil massage to leave you feeling fully relaxed.
You can then return to inner relaxation area to relax and enjoy a cool drink or Turkish tea feeling like a new person ready to enjoy the rest of your stay at Yenice Vadi.
I am told that you will tan more easily after a hamman and that your tan will last longer after you have returned home from your holiday!